Monday, September 15, 2008

Getting Started

Wassup people. This is the fist time that I'm doing a blog or anything like this and I don’t know how I'm supposed to start it every time; so I’ll just say hello like I am talking to someone… Hello. The first week you arrive at a new place everything is different, but after a little while you start getting the idea more or less of how things really are going to be.

This is the first time I'm living with people other than my family. Even though there are so many different things, the experience has been easier than I thought it would be. One of the main things I was worried about before coming was not getting along with my roommates--especially after reading all the warnings of The Washington Center saying that there were not many room changes and all problems should be solved between roommates. But everything has been quite good so far. The three guys are really cool people, and I don’t think we will have any major problems in these coming months. My roommates are from Iowa, Massachusetts and New Hampshire; from what I’ve seen so far it is a very different experience for them also, which is a good thing.

Washington D.C. is full of great things anyone can take advantage of. I didn’t know this was such an attractive place for tourists. There are a lot of people coming from the whole country to visit all the museums, the White House, the Pentagon and all that. Every week there are concerts (a lot of them are free), volunteering events, conferences and many other things you can do. You will never get bored in this city unless you want to.

I like every once in a while stay at home and do nothing the whole day--just eat and watch TV, but this is very difficult in D.C. because there are so many cool things you can be doing instead of that jaja. So I guess I will not have a lot of rest in the next few months.

This week I did some more internet projects at Voice of America. We get to do some interesting things. In the morning sometimes we go to a meeting where all the chiefs of each geographical division talk about the most important happenings in their region, so in half an hour I get to know the most important news worldwide before anybody else. Also for my class (Global Marketing Strategies) I have to read at least three newspapers every day, so this is the fist time in my life that I know so many things about the world’s current happenings.

Voice of America is a really big agency. To be honest, I didn’t know anything about them before interning here. When they told me about the opportunity to intern at VOA I hesitated a little, but then I started doing some research about them I got excited that they had chosen me.

I have done some traveling before, but when I started talking to the other interns I realized that they all have traveled a lot around the world and they know two or more languages; they like international people there. VOA is a very international building, if you want a translation of any language you go there and it is 90% probable that you will find one or more persons that can do the job for you.

Right now I am very happy with how things are going here...good people, excellent class, cool job, amazing city, fancy apartment… I couldn’t ask for more; well, I could, but it wouldn’t be realistic jaja.

Here are some pictures of the apartment, and our view from the 20th floor. Hasta pronto.


Anonymous said...

Hey que onda Everardo, me llamo Heinrich soy de Campus Tampico. Yo ahorita ando viendo si me voy de intercambio a este programa. Y pues ver si me puedes explicar más afondo como es el programa, por lo que he leido en tu Blog supongo que es una experiencia muy padre, pero ando indeciso xq por otro lado tengo la oportunidad de irme a Nice, Francia y la verdad estoy batallando en tomar un decisión.

Estudio Administración de empresas y estoy en 5° semestre. Ojala me puedas ayudar explicandome como esta la cosa por alla!!


Heinrich Azpeytia

Anonymous said...

Ah por cierto jeje mi correo es, por si prefieres que nos comuniquemos por correo

Anonymous said...

Méndigo consentido del mal... Yo apenas estoy en tu etapa de banio de avion asi que eso de que tu casa sea mas grande y lujosita y con arbolito artificial esta super envidiable. Bueno pero hay que empezar por algo, de perdido yo tengo la taza en mi cuarto jaja
Me parece excelente tu idea del blog, solo ten siemre cuidado de no poner demasiados detalles, deberias de ver la paranoia mexicana de poner fotos en facebook, que si porque van a pensar que soy rica por andar viajando... si supieran de la anorexia a la que me voy a someter jaja Nombre ojala pudiera, debes recordar el olor de la boulangerie nooo esta para morir. Me parece que tienes razon en tanto que los otros extranjeros se sienten igual de perdidos que uno y son mas afables, por eso tenemos tambien ya nuestras amiguitas alemanas super buenas. Cuando uno toma la iniciativa casi todos los franceses son buena onda también; sobretodo porque una de mis clases esta perrisima y voy a necesitar mucha ayuda. Lo bueno es que me inscribi a un programa donde me dan una madrina y ella me ayuda en todo, esta un anio mas arriba que yo en psico y entonces espero que me salve jeje. Tu tienes clases aparte del trabajo... disculpa que no use signos de interrogacion pero la vdd no los encuentro en el teclado frances... que joda el teclado frances jeje pero en fin. Siempre recuerdo lo que me decias y las anecdotas y te agradezco mil que me hayas alentado a venir, la verdad es que es una experiencia inolvidable el simple hecho de vivir fuera de casa, y a miles de kilometros es algo inusitado. Ten mucho cuidado porque asi como DC es siempre una ciudad viva tmb puede haber peligros, aunque tengo una vecina que viene de ahi (ya le platique de ti jeje) que me dice lo mismo, que dc es super interesante y que de seguro te va a encantar.
Espero poder entrar pronto a seguir leyendo tus aventuras, y ojala la proxima vez tambien me chismees alguna noticia antes que nadie, ahora si que el dato National Geographic es lo de menos, ahora pura actualidad eh jaja
Diviertete mucho, disfruta la vida gringa y platicanos que es vivir realmente en gringolandia y de legal jajaja
Besitos desde Francia, donde Sarito vive embabosada la mitad del tiempo... la otra mitad esta dormida jajaja