Friday, November 14, 2008

A Different Washington

Elections are finally over and now Washington is a little bit quieter. People in the streets and CVS pharmacies sell the newspaper of November 5th announcing Obama as a new president-elect, and you can find Obama propaganda still on stands for tourists looking for a souvenir.

Last Sunday I went to the National Museum of Natural History...uuuh it’s an amazing museum, it’s the second time I go and I could easily go for a third. If I were 10 years younger, I would have been like in Disneyland because there were all this dinosaur skeletons and I was obsessed with that some years ago. You can also see the Hope Diamond. There’s a legend about it; you should check it out.

TWC organized an International Festival where the students from other places presented their country. There was also free food, so I wasn’t going to miss it. In this event, we (the international students) were asked to do something to represent our country—either make food, give a speech or explanation or perform a talent like singing or dancing. Of course, I wasn’t going to dance or sing there in front of all the people. I didn’t want them to get a bad idea of Mexicans only because of me, so I only went to check it out. Everything turned out to be very cool, and at some points it was too crowded, which is good because I thought there was not going to be a lot of people. There were about 10 tables of different countries, México and Puerto Rico were the biggest tables and when they started to play there music, they (or we I should say) went crazy. We started singing and dancing there in the middle of the place. It was really cool.

Mexico, Venezuela and Puerto Rico

As a part of our Monday programming, the Mass Communications Program went to the Newseum. We had been there before to see a TV show taping, but this time we got to see the museum more calmly. It is a very cool place, and what I liked the most was that I saw the first Mexican newspaper, when we were still a Spanish colony. That same day I went with some friends to an Irish pub called Fado. They have “Trivia Mondays”, and the point is to answer some general knowledge questions. We had a lot of fun, although we didn’t do too well in our final score; it was kind of embarrassing actually, but we still had a really good time. We’ll definitely go back to beat everyone else after studying this week.

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