Friday, November 7, 2008

Everything in one week

Last week was really cool. The city was going crazy with the elections. A lot of months of campaigns, speeches, commercials, debates and other things finally ended, with an amazing result if you ask me.

In this new division I am working in (the Latin America division) I am in the middle of all the news action. At 3 pm there is a teaser of the news report that is on air at 5 pm Washington, DC time. So one hour before the teaser and the program everyone in the office is running, screaming, looking for things, doing last minute arrangements and other things like that. It can be stressful even though I don’t do anything related to the programs, but it is also cool to see the action.

The other day I went to see the show they make at 5, it is called “El Mundo al Día” (The World by the Day) and I discovered that some of the people that sit next to me in the office are reporters and go to places to get news and interview people. The coolest thing is that they are on air, so they are sort of famous in some places jaja. I didn’t know that. When I got back to the office the next day I told a girl “So, you are famous?” She just laughed.

The day of the elections we had to be covering everything very closely. In the morning a coworker and I had to go to the White House, National Mall and some areas around there to take pictures, ask people questions and see what was going on in the nation’s capital while everyone was voting. Later we got back to the office and I had to be updating news about the results every 5 minutes until 11 pm. We had to pay special attention to the news and to the Central News, which is the place where we get the news from. I still cannot tell very well where exactly this news originates.

This is how everything was outside the White House that day

Everyone was really happy

Today is Thursday—it feels like Friday, though. It has been a busy week, but very good. I got to live history. My friends from Mexico and from other countries keep asking me questions about the elections and about the environment here. All I can say is that I breathe politics here, and I am starting to sneeze them too because I am getting a cold jaja.

And of course there was Halloween. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money in my costume so when I found a batman costume with 70% off I didn’t hesitate to buy it. There was only one problem—it was for ages 12 to 14 jaja. I figured I could use some parts and use a mask of a Mexican wrestler (wich basically is the combination of a regular wrestler and a clown), but in the end it didn’t turn out well. The costume looked ridiculous and was uncomfortable, so after the Coldplay concert I put it in a plastic bag and threw it in the garbage. But then when I was on the Metro and looking for my camera, I suddenly remembered putting the camera in the plastic bag. So, yes, I threw my camera in the garbage.

This is at the Coldplay concert

Outside the Verizon Center

Georgetown was packed. Cool costumes everywhere, I even found a group of girls dressed as Tetris and some Pacman guys.

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